The state of Hawaii Department of health is expected to release its first civil unions license on or around December 3rd. However, this is with the understanding that the license and authorizations couldn’t be used until January 1st, when the law takes affect.
According to Dr. Alvin Onaka, who is the state Registrar of Vital Statistics, “the intent is to allow couples to be able to obtain the needed paperwork to have a ceremony on the day the new law takes effect. A civil union license, like a marriage license, would be good for 30 days. Thus, a license issued Dec. 3 would have to be used by Jan. 2.”
Another area of the civil unions license that is being worked on is the online system. Onaka went on to say “ The state continues to work on an online system to streamline the process for couples and solemnizers who would perform such ceremonies.”
The civil unions law was passed earlier this year in Hawaii and allows all couple – regardless of their gender, to enter into a civil union. This affords these couples all the legal rights, benefits, protections and responsibilities of traditional marriage.
The civil union bill was the state’s answer to continuing pressure from gay and lesbian groups to allow same-sex marriage. What this actually did was suffice all parties. Those who are for same-sex marriage can now enter into this “civil union” and be afforded all the rights of a marriage, as stated above. Those against same-sex marriage still get to say that same-sex “marriage” is against the law.
No matter what side of the fence you may be on here, it seems like the overall issue is still not solved, as there continues to be debates and fights regarding civil unions and same-sex marriages.
The Health Department expects to have a website up and running by next month to answer frequently asked questions about the new law.
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