Having grown up here in Hawaii, I’ve come to love so many different places & spaces in our wonderful state. And, as a Realtor here on Oahu, there’s not a single neighborhood that I haven’t explored! And yet, it undoubtedly comes to my attention that although we live on a (relatively) small island in the middle of the Pacific, most of us live on an even smaller island IN OUR STATE OF MIND. I think the reality of it all hit me when one of my best friends from college (whom will remain nameless…you know who you are Sean McNamara…) told me, “Brah, you live where?! AIEA?! That’s the boonies!” That got me thinking — if only I had the opportunity, nay, the soapbox(!) to share what else is out there! To showcase our differences in a real and insightful way…Beyond Honolulu is my attempt to showcase the beauty, diversity, strangeness, humor, absurdity, and downright awesomeness of all of those places NOT within view of a highrise, Diamond Head, or a rental car. No offense to my “townie” friends — you know I love you…but this is my rallying cry to everyone else to GET OUT THERE and explore everything that is beyond. Beyond your expectations. Beyond your preconceived notions. Beyond your comfort zones. Beyond Honolulu!
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