How often do you find yourself all bundled up in multiple blankets, a sweatshirt, sweatpants and socks? In Hawaii it’s very rare. As I speak to many residents in Makakilo, it seems to be a welcomed circumstance that they enjoy. I myself enjoy the chill in the air and wind whistling through my home at night. There are times when I look outside my front window and see the clouds sitting so low as if they were in arms reach. Residents who live here are aware that we live in a neighborhood that has a bit of a chill factor that we all enjoy.I think what I like best about the Hills of Makakilo is the community of people.
We may not speak very often as our schedules are busy, but we sure watch out for one another. Always keeping an eye out for unusual activities, teenagers up to no good, or even as simple as lending a hand when your yard needs some cleaning up. It’s a community that you have runners, joggers, and walkers every moment of the day. You’ll see children playing in their yards or at the park nearby. There are all nationalities, all generations, one strong community.Makakilo, a place you’ll want to live for a very long time.
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