So, it seems that our favorite Hawaii weatherman Guy Hagi is having a rough couple days. The Guy Hagi hurricane memes that have been going around are actually pretty brilliant. It is hard predicting the weather and perhaps nobody takes more heat for being wrong than Hagi. That being said, honestly, none of us could do better and he remains the most popular weather man in the islands. In the wake of the two hurricanes that are in line to hit the islands the Guy Hagi hurricane memes have spread like wildfire and gone viral.
Sure there have been some local blogs covering and reposting the memes, but they have become so popular that even the big boys have picked up on them. Even the Huffington Post ran with it and unleashed a great article about the Guy Hagi Memes. I don’t know how Guy Hagi is reacting to all the attention, but if it were me I think I would be flattered. Sure, it comes across as making fun, but they do say imitation is the highest form of flattery…. I think.
Either way, Guy Hagi has gone viral and the memes are actually hilarious. Check out some of the best Guy Hagi hurricane memes we have seen posted below. Stay safe during the Hurricanes everyone, it looks like this time Hagi was actually right. If you are looking for help or shelters please take a moment to check here and find the nearest one to you.
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