Here is a very interesting piece of news that is just starting to make some noise. It looks like Hawaii Student Housing – which operates The Ohia and The Hana student housing buildings in Waikiki, is suing a KCC student named Dylan Hunt because he criticized the living conditions he experienced on his Facebook page.
Hunt, who says he has lived in both buildings, wrote on his Facebook page in July that the Ohia and Hana have problems such “black mold,” cockroaches, hidden fees and slow Internet speeds.
Hawaii Student Housing contends that Hunt “maliciously or negligently” made “false and defamatory statements” about its business, according to the lawsuit, which was filed July 29th.
The lawsuit is demanding that Hunt make amends for his comments, but Hunt is refusing to do so. “The fact that they’re suing me for writing a Facebook blog about my personal experiences and opinions, they’re just bullying me to silence me,” Hunt said. “What they’re doing is trying to silence me with threats of intimidation and bring me to court without actual plans of winning.”
Hunt plans on countersuing Hawaii Student Housing.
This is actually pretty funny for a couple of reasons.
- This is another example of how Facebook can get you in hot water.
- Hawaii Student Housing really doesn’t have a claim against Hunt, they are just trying to intimidate. Everyone is allowed their opinion, and Hunt was simply expressing his. As far as I know our country still allows free speech.
- I am more inclined to believe Hunt’s Facebook post than I am to believe those buildings don’t have some of those issues going on.
This should be an interesting story to follow, as there really is no merit for a lawsuit, except for maybe some embarrassment.
“As far as I know our country still allows free speech.” Apparently NOT!
Agreed, they probably should not have tried to sue the kid. His few Facebook friends saw it, now thousands of people will see it, lol.
Whats even funnier is that most of the public probably would have never known about it, until they decided to sue. Now everyone knows. LOL.