There have been anywhere between 10 and 30 “Occupy Honolulu” protestors camped on the sidewalk at Thomas Square since Nov. 5. As of today, they will be no more – at least in a sense. The city of Honolulu has forced notice to the Occupy Honolulu group, telling them to remove their tents and belongings from the sidewalks of Thomas Square within 24-hours or their property will be seized
Officials from the city’s Facilities Management and Parks and Recreation departments, were the ones who carried out the warning and they are backed up by Honolulu police. They started issuing notices at around 9 a.m. About 2-dozen tents are set up on the sidewalk on Beretania Street near Ward Avenue.
Are you wondering why the city can tell them to pack it up? Last month a new city ordinance passed the City Council and signed into law by Mayor Peter Carlisle prohibits people from storing tents, furniture, clothing and other personal belongings on sidewalks. While this law was actually created to help get the homeless off all the sidewalks, they state is using it to force the Occupy Honolulu people to pack it up as well.
It is about time anyway, as the Occupy Honolulu group has done absolutely nothing except clutter up a sidewalk. I am not even sure they know what they are doing there. I say good for the city, they should have been moved (off the sidewalks) months ago.
The Occupy Movement: The protesters are part of a broader movement demonstrating against disparities in the nation’s economic system.
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