We have all been waiting to see who would fill the big space at Windward Mall that was left behind by the closing of Borders a couple of months ago. We now have our answer. Sports Authority will move into the old space that was vacated by Borders.
No definite date has been released on when the new Windward Mall Sports Authority will open, but officials did say it would be prior to the next holiday season. Just in time for Christmas it seems.
The 26,657 square foot space will add a seventh Hawaii location for the sporting goods and apparel retailer, which also plans to open a Hilo store this summer.
There had been some debate amongst people as to whether or not Windward Mall would lease that huge space out to one retailer, or if they would convert it back into an area for multiple smaller shops. We now have our answer. With several big time retailers closing stores, Sports Authority seems to actually be doing very well.
Sports Authority will announce plans for hiring and opening date in the near future, mall officials said. We will update you on that, so keep an eye out for hiring and job information for the new Sports Authority coming to Windward Mall.
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