Easter in Hawaii is special, just like it is anywhere else. Of course you have the Easter Egg hunts available around the islands, as well as plenty of places to take Easter pictures to make that lasting memory. However, there is also an abundance of Hawaii Easter activities and family events for you are you entire family to enjoy during the 2012 Easter season in Hawaii.
Here is a list of some of the best Hawaii Easter activities and family events that are going down in our islands during the 2012 Easter season. With so much to do, you should have no trouble finding something of interest for you and your family to enjoy. Happy Easter!
2012 Easter Egg Hunts in Hawaii | Where to Take Easter Pictures in Hawaii
2012 Hawaii Easter Activities and Family Events
“Bunnyland” Display
Saturday through April 7, Windward Mall (near Sears) during mall hours. Check out the colony of adorable bunnies, chicks, pot-bellied pigs and guinea pigs on display, sponsored by Koolau Pets. Call 235-6477. Also, visit Koolau Pets store for a special window display filled with more of the furry animals that will be available for sale.
Easter Bunny Arrival
10 a.m.-noon Saturday, Windward Mall, Sears wing. Celebration includes arts and crafts and goodie bags for first 100 keiki. Call 235-1143 or visit www.windwardmall.com.
Hope Chapel Kaneohe Bay’s Seventh Annual Easter Fest
10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, 45-815 Pookela St. The $5 “Keiki Fun” wristband (for sixth-graders and younger) includes an egg hunt at 11 a.m., games, bouncers, crafts and more; $20 “Super Fun” wristband includes unlimited use of the rock-climbing wall, video game room, water slide, bouncers, bungee run and more. Call 235-5814 or visit www.hopechapel.com/easterfest.
Waikiki Aquarium SeaHunt
9 a.m.-noon March 31. Doors open 8:30 a.m. for members; SeaHunt begins 9:15 a.m. “Splashing Easter celebration” for keiki ages 2 to 7 includes pictures with Easter Bunny, crafts and activities, Fish Pond game ($2 tickets) and more; hear presentations about sharks and Hawaiian monk seals throughout the day. Advanced registration recommended. Cost: $15 ($5 for members). Call 923-9741 or visit www.waquarium.org.
“Bunny Barn: Rabbit Petting Zoo and Garden-Friendly Worm Farm”
10:30 a.m. March 31, Kailua Public Library. Presented by Zac Johnson of Zac’s Rabbitry, who will discuss rabbit breeds and how rabbit waste (and other pet waste) can be converted into fertilizer using vermicomposting worms. Call 266-9911.
“Decorate an Egg, the Xeriscape Way”
Workshop and Easter egg hunt: 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. March 31, Halawa Xeriscape Garden. Unique egg-decorating activity with a “creative and environmentally friendly twist” and egg hunt in the garden for prize-filled eggs. For keiki ages 2 to 12. Brown-bag lunch optional. Cost: $5 per family, free for members. Registration closes 2 p.m. March 30 or when spaces are filled. Call 748-5363 or email tours@hbws.org.
Watanabe Floral’s Easter Festivities
March 31, Nimitz Showroom, 1607 Hart St. Activities begin 11 a.m., egg hunt at noon. For keiki up to age 10. Call 832-9360.
Spring Basket Make-and-Take Craft Sessions
11 a.m.-noon March 31, Ben Franklin Crafts stores on Oahu, using Nestabilities die cuts. Fee: $2. Visit www.bfcraftclub.com.
Easter Celebration
11 a.m.-2 p.m. March 31, Market City Shopping Center (lobby next to Anytime Cafe), Kaimuki. Features make-and-take crafts, balloon animals, face painting and body art, free photos with the Easter Bunny and more. Call 734-0282.
“Have a Bunni-ful Day”
At Mililani Shopping Center: Noon-2 p.m. March 31, with keiki crafts, an inflatable bouncer, pony rides and petting zoo with bunnies and chicks. Take a picture with the Easter Bunny and receive a free treat. Donate toiletries, baby supplies or cleaning and laundry products to the Lokahi Giving Project for a chance to win a Wet ‘N Wild Family Four-Pack. Call 753-7507 or visit www.mililanishoppingcenter.com.
“Hop into Easter” at Kahala Mall
10 a.m.-2 p.m. April 1. Visit kiosk fronting Kahala Kids and receive a free Easter egg containing coupons, savings and a chance to win gift certificates, keiki baskets and more. Call 732-7736 or visit www.kahalamallcenter.com.
Easter Storytime and Egg Hunt
10:30 a.m. April 4, Kailua Public Library. Includes simple make-and-take craft session. For ages 3 and older. Call 266-9911.
Easter Water Show
5:30 p.m. April 6, Princess Kaiulani Hotel. Mermaids Hawaii presents colorful and sparkly synchronized swim routines that may feature “swimming jelly beans, flowers, bunnies and duckies.” Free. Call 864-8122 or visit www.MermaidsHawaii.com.
Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
8-10:30 a.m. April 7, Dave & Busters, Ward Entertainment Center, with face painting, balloon art, egg hunt and pictures with the Easter Bunny (packages sold separately). Each guest receives a VIP card. Bring canned good or nonperishable food item for Hawaii Foodbank and receive a free gift. Cost (includes tax and tip): $17.99 for adults, $11.99 for ages 3 to 10. For reservations, call 589-2215.
“Spring Fling”
April 7, Hawaii Children’s Discovery Center, 111 Ohe St., Kakaako. Egg hunt (limit 12 eggs per child) begins 9 a.m. in exhibit galleries, with games, crafts and visit to Discovery Center. Cost (includes admission): $12 ($8 for members). Registration deadline is today. Call 524-5437 or email info@discoverycenterhawaii.org.
Kapolei Commons Easter Event
April 7, with activities from 10 a.m.-noon; egg hunt begins 10:30 a.m. on lawn with more than 2,000 prize-filled eggs for keiki ages 1 to 12 (three age groups), plus free photos with the Easter Bunny, face painting, balloon animals, coloring contest and appearance by Jelly Belly Man. Visit www.thekapoleicommons.com.
“Hop, Hop, Hop Through the ‘Salt Lake Forest'”
10 a.m.-1 p.m. April 7, Salt Lake Shopping Center. Picture-taking with the Easter Bunny and Honey Bear, keiki crafts, bouncer and pony rides. Bring two canned goods for the Hawaii Foodbank or make $1 donation to participate in other keiki activities. Call 735-8822 or visit www.saltlakeshoppingcenter.com.
Easter Festival of Fun
10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. April 7, Wahiawa Shopping Center and Wahiawa Town Center. Free Easter egg hunts for ages 3 to 10 (divided into separate age groups) every 15 minutes beginning 11 a.m., while supplies last. Also, keiki will enjoy free train rides, photos with the Easter Bunny (bring your camera) and $1 make-and-take flying-disc spin art. Call 221-2774 or visit www.wahiawashoppingcenter.com.
Easter Fun at Ward Warehouse
April 7. Call 591-8411 or visit www.wardcenters.com. Several aspects of this event will take place at different times. Here is what is included:
- 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Diamond Head end. Keiki activities include sun craft, temporary tattoos, balloons, Easter basket craft with $1 donation to Read-to-Me International, and free photo with Aunty Ka Lei, mascot for Ka Lei Eggs (bring your camera).
- From 2-3 p.m., keiki may hop along the Easter Bunny Treat Trail with their baskets and collect treats from participating merchants at Ward Center, Ward Warehouse and Ward Entertainment Center; look for carrots hanging over doorways.
- Easter egg contest: Registration at 11 a.m., judging 11:30 a.m., awards 12:30 p.m. Bring a decorated egg and egg stand (up to 8 square inches in size) to the event. Prizes awarded to top three winners for the cutest (ages 4 to 8) and most unique (ages 9 and older) eggs. First 50 entrants receive a certificate for a dozen Ka Lei eggs. Visit goo.gl/hN7YR.
Oahu Open Saturday-before-Easter Potluck Breakfast
12:45-2 p.m. April 7, Honolulu Central Seventh-day Adventist Church, 2313 Nuuanu Ave. Open to the public. For information, call 469-7193.
Oceanarium Restaurant’s Easter Weekend Buffet:
4-10 p.m. April 7, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. and 4-10 p.m. April 8, Pacific Beach Hotel, 2490 Kalakaua Ave., with special appearance by the Easter Bunny on April 8. Keiki treated to lucky Easter eggs for a chance to win a basket. Cost: $44.95 for adults, $19.95 for ages 5 to 11. Call 921-6111.
St. Nicholas Episcopal Church’s Easter Event
April 8, Island Pacific Academy, 909 Haumea St., Kapolei. Egg hunt for keiki will follow 10 a.m. service, along with unique “Hometown Nazareth” event in which parents can take their children on a tour of a small version of the town in which Jesus grew up and experience activities such as olive-oil making, beading, carpentry and more. Free for all ages. Call 753-7788.
Star of Honolulu’s Easter Lunch Cruise
Noon-2:30 p.m. April 8; departs from Aloha Tower Marketplace, Pier 8. Enjoy hands-on Hawaiian cultural activities and scenic coastline views while searching for humpback whales, along with an Easter egg hunt and prize giveaways for children. Cost: $63 for adults, $10 for ages 3 to 11 ($51.03/$8.10 for kamaaina and military). Call 983-STAR (7827) or visit www.starofhonolulu.com.
Easter Eggstravaganza
1-3 p.m. April 8, Waikele Premium Outlets. Enjoy music by Dynamic Sounds and hop to Center Courtyard for pictures with the Easter Bunny (bring a camera). Call 676-5656.
There is something for everyone in Hawaii. Get the family together and go out and enjoy one – or more, of these 2012 Hawaii Easter activities and family events. Happy Easter!
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