Cirque du Soleil’s “Quidam,” is coming to the Blaisdell Arena for an extended run in October.
Kaneohe Bay Airshow Photo Gallery
Check out some photos and see what all is going on at this wildly popular yearly airshow event that takes place at the Kaneohe Marine Base on Oahu.
2012 Kaneohe Bay Airshow
The wildly popular Kaneohe Bay airshow is back, and this time they are going for broke. As usual, the main attraction will be the U.S. Navy Blue Angels. However, this is just one of the many acts you will be able to see September 29th and 30th.
Pet Walk 2012 at Magic Island
The Hawaiian Humane Society is once again putting together their Pet Walk. The 2012 version will be held at Magic Island at Ala Moana Park and is being presented by the Petco Foundation.
3rd Annual Hawaii Rice Festival
The annual Hawaii Rice Festival is rolling into town and this year it will be bigger than ever. Presented by Rice Fest, the Hawaii Rice Festival is in its third year of this event, and the past two years have been amazing, so the 2012 Hawaii Rice Festival should be the biggest one yet.
2012 Waikiki Hoolaulea Presented by Aloha Festivals
The 2012 Waikiki Hoolaulea is a huge block party that takes place in downtown Honolulu. Tons of entertainment, food and activities will be at your disposal. Make plans to get out to this event that is put on by Aloha Festivals.
2012 Hawaii Food and Wine Festival
The 2012 version of the Hawaii Food and Wine Festival is set to kick off. This year’s Hawaii Food and Wine Festival will look to repeat the success it had last year, when it first launched the festival.
Brittney Palmer Swimsuit Calendar Shoot Video
New UFC Octagon girl Brittney Palmer has been popping up everywhere lately. Here is some behind the scenes footage of the second day shooting her new swimsuit calendar. Heads were turning all day around the Venice Beach area as this up and coming model was putting together this calendar shoot. Enjoy!