Governor Abercrombie continues to falter badly in the roll of Hawaii’s Governor. With the controversy of several members of his staff quitting his administration still fresh, now the numbers are coming out to prove it.
According to a new survey, Neil Abercrombie’s job approval rating has plummeted since March. The Hawaii Democrat’s job approval is just 30 percent, down from 48 percent in March, according to Public Policy Polling, a Raleigh, N.C., firm. The firm found that he had the dubious distinction of the worst job approval rating among governors. Worst in the nation!
Perhaps even more significant is the fact that Abercrombie’s support has fallen among Democrats, the poll shows. Just 43 percent of Democrats approve of the governor’s job performance, down from 66 percent in March.
“I think Abercrombie’s issues might be part of the reason for Linda Lingle’s image resurgence over the last six months,” according to a post by Tom Jensen at Public Policy Polling. “Folks who might have burned out on her by the end of her time in office may now be looking at her in comparison to their feelings about Abercrombie and coming to the conclusion that she wasn’t so bad.”
The automated telephone poll was taken among 568 voters from Oct. 13 to Oct. 16. The margin of error was 4.1 percentage points.
“Polls are not our focus,” Donalyn Dela Cruz, an Abercrombie spokeswoman, said in an email. “The governor’s focus is on looking at all avenues to boost our economy. We’re making progress in education and energy and we will continue to build upon that momentum.”
I will say this and be done. If you are getting bad numbers in your polls, then they should definitely be a focus. This may be the first time in history that a spokesperson for a politician claimed that “polls are not our focus.”
Here is a poll of our own. Maybe they will see it and put it to good use. Take a second to vote.
[polldaddy poll=5636782]
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