Two humpback whales have entered Honolulu Harbor and to the delight of many have decided to stay around for a little while. The whales came into the Harbor yesterday, and have remained. The Coast Guard will enforce a 100-yard safety zone around the endangered animals this morning , said Petty Officer Anthony Soto.
So why are these whales in our Harbor right now? Well, according to Wendee Goo, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration spokesman, federal officials were able to confirm reports from a captain of vessel that two humpback whales followed his ship into the harbor. However, Goo said NOAA officials were unable to see the two whales this morning.
If you guys go down to check them out and are trying to get into a boat for a close up, just remember that the Coast Guard will make you stay at least 100 yards away from the whales for safety issues for both you and the animals.
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