Reports are now surfacing that are stating that the Kailua man that was shot to death by an off-duty Federal Agent had drugs in his system. This according to the Honolulu Medical Examiner’s Office.
HMEO released a report tat stated Kollin Elderts, 23, had broken-down products of cocaine and marijuana in his system. The office previously reported that Elderts had a 0.12 blood-alcohol level. Lab tests on the mainland may determine the amount of drugs in Eldert’s system, the office said.
State Department Special Agent Christopher Deedy was charged with shooting Elderts during an argument at a Waikiki McDonald’s on Nov. 5. Deedy, 27, was in Honolulu to help provide security for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit. He was released after posting $250,000 bail and is scheduled to appear for an arraignment Monday in Circuit Court.
This whole situation has garnered national attention, and has basically turned into a “he said she said” type of case. Right now no one really knows what happened. The story you will get all depends on whom you speak with.
This is a mess that is no where near being resolved.
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