The 2013 Na Hoku Hanohano Awards are just around the corner, but there is still time to submit your work for consideration. If you are a recording artist or a record producer and you released work in 2012, then you have until Thursday, Jan. 31, to step up and nominate your work for the 2013 Na Hoku Hanohano Awards.
You can find the nomination form and guidelines on the Na Hoku Awards Website. Information is also available by phone via the Hawaii Academy of Recording Arts (HARA) office, (808) 593-9424, and by email. The nomination form may be filed using the online form but three copies of the physical product must reach the HARA office no later than Thursday. Applications can also be hand-delivered to the Hawaii Academy of Recording Arts office, 1110 University Avenue, Suite #409.
HARA’s mailing address is:
Hawai‘i Academy of Recording Arts P.O. Box 821 Honolulu, HI 96809The 2013 Na Hoku Awards are open to all eligible recordings released during the 2012 calendar year.
It is not necessary to be a HARA member to nominate your work and win a Hoku Award. However, voting in all but one category is restricted to HARA members.
The deadline to join HARA or to renew an existing membership in time to vote for the 2013 awards is March 25. However, people who are applying for membership for the first time should file their applications well before the deadline so that their recording credits and other eligibility requirements can be reviewed and verified.
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