No matter what part of the country you live in, Easter egg hunts are something that just about every kid looks forward to. There are a number of great Easter egg hunts in Hawaii. Here are some of the best ones to get the kids to this year.
Island Events
2013 Honolulu Festival
The Honolulu Festival takes place from March 1st – March 3rd and is expected to be bigger than ever. Check out all you need to know here, including and entire event schedule.
Warrior Dash Returns to Hawaii
The world famous Warrior Dash race returns to Hawaii for a second go around following a wildly successful 1st event last year. On February 23rd there is expected to be over 10,000 participants at the 2013 Warrior Das in Hawaii, up from 5,000 last year.
Pow Wow Hawaii 2013
The amazing street art festival that takes places throughout the streets of Kaka’ako in Hawaii is back for 2013. Pow Wow Hawaii 2013 is just about here, and with its fast rise to popularity the street art festival should be bigger and better than ever this time around.
2013 Pro Bowl Event Schedule: Where to Be
The 2013 Pro Bowl Event Schedule is packed with all sorts of fun things. This may be the last year that the Pro Bowl is played in Hawaii, but that hasn’t really stopped anyone from getting ready to enjoy all the fun events and activities that awaits them over Pro Bowl weekend in Hawaii.
2013 Pro Bowl at Aloha Stadium
The 2013 Pro Bowl is set to kickoff once again at Aloha Stadium. While there is potential that this could be the last Pro Bowl ever played, both in Hawaii or anywhere else, that hasn’t stopped the fans from getting excited to go out and see their favorite stars. Pro Bowl Rosters The annual contest […]
A Touch Of Gold and Moonlit Canoe Ride at PCC
Spend a romantic evening this Valentine’s Day at the Polynesian Cultural Center as they present their Valentine’s Day special; “A Touch of Gold and Moonlit Canoe Ride.” Enjoy a special dinner menu, live music, and a moonlit canoe ride, all for a very affordable price.
2012 Hawaii New Year’s Eve Calendar
2012 New Year’s Eve in Hawaii is upon us. As usual, Hawaii is one of the best places to ring in a new years. Take a peek at our detailed New Year’s Eve calendar, full of parties, concerts, shows, fireworks displays and more going down in Hawaii.