The Pacific Whale Foundation is gearing up to offer free whale watching nature hikes. Now through April you will be able to take one of these free whale-watching and natural history hikes led by education staff from the Pacific Whale Foundation. These hikes are part of the Maui Whale Festival.
The morning hikes are set for Wednesday Feb. 22, March 28 and April 25. The 5.5-mile hikes are free but are limited to just 13 participants.
Hikers meet at 7 a.m. at the foundation’s Ocean Store at the Maalaea Harbor Shops. The foundation will provide transportation to the trail head for the Lahaina Pali Trail.
The hike consists of a rigorous 1,500-foot elevation change walk and participation is limited to adults older than 15 who are “fit, experienced hikers.” This according to the release.
If you have the chance to get out to one of these hikes we suggest you take it. Not many things in Hawaii are more majestic than watching whales play in the water. Remember though, even though the hikes are free, they are limited to 13 participants per hike, so book it now.
Whale Watching Hikes
What: Free Whale Watching Nature Hikes
When: Feb. 22, March 28 and April 25 (More hikes may become available)
Where: Meet at Ocean Store at the Maalaea Harbor Shops.
Time: 7 AM
For more information and to register, call Pacific Whale Foundation at 249-8811, ext. 1. You can also visit their website
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