Much has been made over the last several months regarding the New Kroc Center that is opening in Hawaii. Now that the Kroc Center in Hawaii is open for business, I thought I could give you a little rundown regarding what all the Kroc Center in Hawaii is about and what it stands for.
Described on their homepage as a “retreat away from home,” as well as “a place that nurtures and inspires,” the Kroc Center is the largest community center of its kind in all of Hawaii. The Kroc Center was opened for a number of reasons, but mostly (if you know anything about Joan Kroc and her passions and dreams, which I talk about below) it is a place that was opened to allow people – both young and old, to have opportunities to learn and grow, while at the same time build confidence and hope that will carry them through life.
Kroc Center Details
The Kroc Center Hawaii is no joke. It has taken millions to complete, and it is an absolutely beautiful facility. Located on around 15 acres of land in Kapolei, the center measure an astounding 200,000 square feet, and comes packed with some of the finest, state of the art amenities available.
Among the highlights at the center, you will find some of the following available for your use:
- The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Education & Resource Center (Includes conference and banquet rooms for up to 720 guests)
- The Mary D. and Walter F. Frear Early Education Center for 120 preschool students
- A 500-seat Jack & Marie Lord Worship & Performing Arts Center
- The Clarence T.C. Ching Athletic Center with an NCAA-regulation gymnasium
- The First Hawaiian Hale 48-bed dormitory for traveling teams and overnight conferences
- A state-of-the-art Health & Wellness Center with workout equipment and facilities for individual and group fitness
- An Aquatics Center featuring a competition pool and a recreation pool with giant water slides
- 3-acre multipurpose field for outdoor programs
As you can see, the Kroc Center is very state of the art, and a lot of heart and work has gone into building this.
The Kroc Center in Hawaii was built in conjunction with the Salvation Army. For those who don’t know, the Salvation Army is an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.
Who is Joan Kroc?
Does the name “Kroc” sound familiar? It probably does, and rightfully so. Ray Kroc (husband of Joan Kroc) is the founder of the most recognizable food establishment in the world, McDonalds. Both Joan Kroc and Ray Kroc were very well known for their generous gifts to the Salvation Army. Upon Ray Kroc’s passing in 1984, Joan Kroc continued their dream by continually giving very generous amounts to the Salvation Army. However, many of these gifts went unclaimed, as Joan didn’t want her name used as part of the donations, she preferred it be anonymous.
In 1998, Joan announced that she was donating $80 million for the building of the first Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center, to be located in a beleaguered midcity neighborhood in San Diego. Her vision was to create a place where all people, regardless of social status, had access to a world-class recreational, educational and cultural arts facility.
When Joan Kroc passed away in October 2003, she left $1.5 billion – much of her estate – to The Salvation Army. This was by far the largest charitable gift ever given to The Army, and the largest single gift given to any charity at one time.
The initial disbursements of this bequest began in January 2005. The gift had by then grown to $1.8 billion and was split evenly among the four Army Territories – Central, East, South and West. The money was designated to build a series of state-of-the-art Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Centers nationwide patterned after the San Diego center.
The newest one in Hawaii spared no expense, and will more the likely be the biggest and best community center in Hawaii for a very long time.
The Kroc Center in Hawaii is just another step in the direction and dream that the Kroc’s had when they were both still alive. The facility in Kapolei is absolutely amazing. There is something for everyone at the Kroc Center, and I encourage everyone to check it out. Below are links to all the relevant info you may need.
This is truly an amazing venture that looks like it will be one of the very best community assets available to the people of Hawaii.
Kroc Facility Highlights and Relevant Links
Aquatic Center | Health and Wellness | Banquet and Events Center | Education Center | Worship and Performing Arts Center | Athletic Center | Program Information | Membership Information | Available Rentals | Kroc Community Worship Service | Calendar of Events
I think this ia an awesome Center and that everyone that lives here and the outer islands are happy to have a center that we all can benefit from, Hopefully the cost is cheap.