A few days after Texas Governor Rick Perry tried to stir things up by bringing President Obama’s birth certificate issue to light again, he is now backing off. A few days ago Perry had claimed that he wasn’t sure President Barack Obama’s birth certificate was real.
He is now stepping back from those statement, saying that he has no doubt that President Barack Obama is an American citizen. Why the quick backtrack? Who knows, maybe those statements didn’t do anything for his campaign, at least not the way he thought they would.
Perry said that he was just — in his words — “having some fun with Donald Trump” when he stoked widely debunked claims that Obama was born outside of the United States.
Perry says he wasn’t expressing doubts about Obama when he raised the issue in a series of media interviews. In one he said that the birth certificate issue as “a good issue to keep alive.”
On Tuesday, he refused to answer a reporter’s direct question about whether he believed the president was born in the United States.
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